The Liebster Award

Hello all! I am so happy and delighted to announce that I was nominated for the liebster award.

My heart full thank to jesusluvsall of for nominating me. I really appreciate it.I enjoy his blog where he exudes joy in Jesus and for life. I strongly feel he is connected to God. So definitely go check it out!

Let’s start.


1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.

2. Share 11 fact about yourself.

3. Answer 11 questions that the blogger ask you.

4. Nominate 11 bloggers and make them happy!

5. Notify your 11 nominees.

11 facts about me

  1. I can speak and write 5 languages.
  2. Every time want to do something new in my life.
  3. I have brown eyes.
  4. Love travelling to new places.
  5. Yea I am a bookworm. I love reading books. I have library in my home. That was filled with many books. I love writing my thoughts.
  6. Foodie
  7. Love music
  8. I believe in God.
  9. I am a calm person. I do mediation regularly.
  10. I love teaching students.

11. Early bird I woke early in morning.

My questions

Q1 Dogs or cats?

Ans. I choose dog because I have a pet dog. Lenii….my cutie pie.

Pets are more lovable than human.

Q.2 lord of things and star wars is the second what you think is the third best movie ever made?

Ans. I don’t watch movies. So don’t know.

Q.3 What is the country you have not visited but want to?

Ans. I want to visit Australia and meet my brother.

Q.4 What is your blog about?

Ans. It’s about Mental health, spiritual healing, fitness, about my workplace, my inner self.

Q.5 What is your favourite post from your blog?

Ans The post tips to be happy in office is my favourite.

Q.6 When you write your blog where do you write?

Ans. I first write a rough draft in my diary. I prefer pen and paper.

Q.7 What is your favorite beverage?

Ans. Cold coffee.

Q.8 What is the place in your city people should visit?

Ans. Historical monuments i n my city.

Q.9 if you could video chat with anyone in the world who would it be and why?

Ans. Being introvert i can’t chat.

Q.10 if you could time travel to spend a day in another time when would be and where?

Ans. If I had a chance to go back in time I go in my childhood’s birthday they are the special moments in my memories.

Q.11 if you were in a coffee shop and Jesus come and sat down with you what would you ask him?

Ans. I ask Jesus how to take right decisions in life.

My nominations

1. Arun arpan from

2. Samyak Singh from

3. Vartika from

4. Just tips and stuff from


6. Sngms

7. Riana from

8. Spoken in riddles from


10. I ve started so from jonstainsby.WordPress. cocom

11. Written Casey from

Questions for nominees

  1. Why you start blogging?
  2. What you favorite place in your city?
  3. Favorite book?
  4. What’s your blog is about.
  5. Your favorite post from your blog.
  6. How you spent a day without mobile phone.
  7. Where you write your thoughts before publishing?
  8. If God come to you what you ask him?
  9. What are you studying or what kind of work you do?
  10. Favorite food.
  11. What’s your cherished childhood TV show that you used to love but haven’t thought in a while.

Thank you for reading my post have a great day.

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